Sports are full of ups and downs. But the best athletes and teams are mentally tough and bounce back quickly after an off day.
in "Sports Slump Busting", Dr. Alan Goldberg presents a 10-step program that's benefited hundreds of coaches and slumping athletes and
tems in a wide variety of sports, at every level of competition. A positive, more confident mind-set boosts slumping athletes out of their
ruts and keeps them clear of performance lapses. Contents: Ruling Out Nonmental Causes - Establishing Self-Control - Developing a Championship Focus -
Dealing With Your Fears - Expecting Success - Developing Positive Images - Setting Slum-Busting Goals - Building Self-Confidence - Becoming mentally Tough -
Insuring Against Future Slumps - Relaxation Exercises.
155x230 mm, 275 pagine, Ed.1997
Prezzo Lit. 43.000
, Testo in inglese
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